Kindly note that our system will undergo scheduled maintenance on May 28, 2018 for approximately five hours starting at 00:00 and ending at 05:00 PDT.
Our website and mobile application will not be available during this time.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
The Diigo Team
~ Joel Liu ~ 谁有免费的外网加速器软件
Focused Research is a feature that allows you to re-use your saving preferences with minimal effort. Once you are in the research mode, the same set of tags, outliner and group are automatically applied to every item you save or annotate. This can be a big time saver when you are doing research on a particular topic.
This feature was hidden in extension options when we redesigned the Diigo extension previously. We simplified it and renamed it to “Remember saving preferences”. Now it can be easily accessed in a bookmark window.
Many Diigo users are lifelong learners and love reading books. However, reading a book is one thing, retaining the knowledge from the book is another. If you search “retain book” there are 122 Million results! Many people struggle with how to better retain knowledge from books.
Highlighting is an important way to help retain knowledge. As Diigo users, you’re familiar with highlighting on the web, and as Kindle users, you may be familiar with highlighting on Kindle as well.
“Well, the first rule is that you can’t really know anything if you just remember isolated facts and try and bang ‘em back. If the facts don’t hang together on a latticework of theory, you don’t have them in a usable form.” — Charlie Munger
Isolated highlights are just like the isolated facts, we don’t have them in a usable form.
Diigo provides a 2 step method to help you make the best use of your kindle highlights.
Step 2: Organize highlights from a book in your own knowledge structure.
After Kindle highlights are imported in your Diigo library, it’s easy to add them to an outliner where you can then organize these highlights in your own structure.
As avid kindle users, we have used this method for a long time and found it to be a very efficient way to integrate knowledge from a book to the knowledge network in your brain.
How many highlights are sleeping in your Kindle? Import them into Diigo and integrate them into a latticework of knowledge network now!
Here is how to do it:
Update to the latest Diigo Chrome extension
Visit your kindle highlights page
Click “Import to Diigo” button
If you have highlights for personal documents on your kindle device, you can follow instructions here to upload the kindle highlights file to Diigo.
~ Joel Liu ~ 18 Comments
The normal research process works like this “外网加速器推荐“. However, it becomes “Collect first, Organize never” very often. Then, our library is cluttered with unorganized content. This further causes “Read a lot, Retain a little” issue. When the knowledge is not organized and connected together, it’s easy to forget them.
With the new outliner sidebar in Diigo chrome extension , you can organize your knowledge in a structured way while you collect them. It makes your research process much more efficient.
Check the video to see how it works.
~ Joel Liu ~ 11 Comments
Outliner is a great way to organize your research systematically. This new update allows you to insert images into an outliner directly on Diigo website.
Sharing relevant content has never been this easy. Any information you find online can be shared throughout your entire team, where you and your team members can collaborate by annotating important pieces of content, tagging keywords, and leaving comments. From web pages, images, videos and PDF’s, “Teams” simplifies online research and will keep track of details including your team tags, the number of views a post has had, who made which annotation and more. Text based content will be displayed in our “Diigo Readability” view, which removes unnecessary ads and intrusions, letting your team focus on the important content while displaying annotations and offering various fonts and text sizes.
All of these functions allow your team to create a centralized database of relevant content that is easily accessible and searchable by all or your members, all of your team’s research in one place. All content that is added to “Teams” is permanently stored on our secure private servers, so it will always be accessible even in the case that the original source no long exists.
Managing your teams and keeping track of overall activity is streamlined through our administrative dashboard and general team overviews. Adding or removing team members, modifying individual teams or existing content, generating invoices and much more can easily be done by team administrators. All teammates will also be able to gain a basic view of individual member activeness through the activity leaderboard, which ranks individual activity for individual teams or overall throughout the company.
We understand that everyone has different platforms for consuming content that they are familiar with, so we made it easy to send content to “Diigo Teams” through various social media channels including Twitter, Pocket, Instapaper, etc. Integrations with Slack including in channel invitations and notifications are designed to keep your team up to date.
Try “Diigo Teams” for free, and see what your team has been missing!
~ Joel Liu ~ 30 Comments
As we said in Diigo’s Refocus Back to Annotation last April, Diigo would shift our primary focus back to “annotation”. We made a big upgrade to Diigo website in October 2016. Today, we are glad to release the new Diigo extension for Chrome.
2. Annotate articles in an ads-free reader
Annotating web article is a common use case among diigo users. However, many article pages are cluttered with ads, sidebars, headers and footers. A better reading experience comes together with a better annotation experience in this new version. Once you experience it, you will never go back!
3. Annotate your local PDF files directly in Chrome
Previously, to annotate PDF files, you needed to upload local PDF files to the Diigo website. Now with the built in PDF reader, you can annotate them in Diigo Chrome extension directly. It’s now faster and much more convenient to annotate PDF files.
4. Get support from extension
With the built-in “Send message” feature, it’s much easier to send support messages to the Diigo team and get problems solved quickly.
5. Other features are still available in this new version
If you like Diigo extension, please help us spread the word by giving the extension a 5-star rating on Chrome web Store.
~ Joel Liu ~ 30 Comments
Diigo 7.0 is perhaps the most significant version upgrade in Diigo’s history. We are confident that you will find the new Diigo to be the most powerful personal knowledge management tool that can help you harness information, build coherent knowledge, and speed up learning.
From pieces of information to a coherent knowledge structure
With this upgrade, Diigo makes it significantly easier to go from pieces of information to a coherent knowledge structure, which all pedagogy theorists agrees is one of the most important steps in learning, memorizing, and writing.
An important innovation introduced in Diigo 6.0 is Outliners, which allow you to organize information as knowledge trees. The importance and benefit of knowledge trees in learning are perhaps best articulated by one of the greatest innovators of our times, Elon Musk:
While outliners are powerful, going from information collected and digested to knowledge trees still feel disjointed and awkward. So a key innovation in this upgrade is to enable a split view with outliners and my library side by side:
With this split view, one can
Read an article on the left side, drag-and-drop specific bits to specific locations of the outliner tree shown on the right side.
After the user has built a coherent knowledge tree, he can then export the outliner to a word processor for further editing. The split view therefore seamlessly integrates the multiple steps involved in writing papers, from collecting, reading and digesting information, to connecting and organizing pieces of information coherently.
Heads-up for future improvement: The Diigo extension is being reworked to provide the same seamless experience from reading, annotating to outliners.
Better UX with modern feel.
With its advanced annotation capability, Diigo has been the best way to collect, read and digest information, both webpages and PDF documents. This upgrade just makes it even better with a sleeker UX and modern feel.
For the past few months, we have been hard at work on our website revamp. What started with the intentions of mainly updating our UI, made us take a step back and really consider what Diigo has evolved into after all these years and receive feedback from our users. After getting in touch with our cherished user base, we are beginning to plan our future direction. Here is a quick overview of the incoming changes. Please note that nothing is set in stone yet, and we will continue to evaluate all feedback from our users.
外网加速器永久免费版官网A major change will be our movement away from ‘social’ aspects in Diigo. While we may have been swayed by the ‘social media movement’, at the end of the day Diigo has always been more of a personal platform. The ‘Discover’ section, including ‘networks’ and ‘communities’ will eventually be phased out. This section has always been very underused, yet takes a large amount of resources to maintain. This change will also simplify user profiles, which will focus mainly on each user’s public library, removing functions such as ‘follow user’, ‘public search’ and ‘message user’. This will allow us to focus on improving Diigo’s core experience.
‘Groups’ will also be evolving to the benefit of its main users, educators and enterprises. Almost all of our active groups have been focused on education or private content sharing within corporations, so groups will be evolving into ‘Diigo Teams’, which will also add specific functionality for each usage case.
The second is to leverage our users’ collections to create a social knowledge network to provide insight on what their friends and people with similar interests are reading.
雷神加速器iOS版下载-雷神加速器iOS版最新版下载-华军软件园:2 天前 · 雷神加速器iOS版最新版是款专为苹果用户伊打造的手游加速工具。雷神加速器iOS版官方版针对手机网络环境自动优化,一键游戏加速,可根据不同的网络情况优选加速方案,解决用户玩手机游戏过程中遇到的各类网络问题。雷神加速器iOS版还可实现高效降低延迟,让您远离丢包和网络延迟的困扰。remove all social features?
As our social functions are some of the least used portions in Diigo, yet require constant maintenance, this would allow us to focus on providing the best personal online annotation/research platform for our users.
As always, we would love to hear from you, our cherished users, and take your input into consideration. If you do use some of Diigo’s social features, let us know which specific ones you would like to keep or see enhanced.
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